Mineralogical localities and paleontologic finds
The region’s characteristic lies in its unusual diversity of rocks and minerals. Since the 17th century, many of the classic mineralogical localities have been mentioned in schoolbooks and scientific publications.
Numerous new types of minerals were discovered here for the first time, and many of the discovery sites belong among the world’s richest, in terms of the number of documented minerals. The most prominent locality is Jáchymov, where more than 320 types of minerals are known and other types are documented each year. Paleontologic finds are also significant, particularly the discoveries of Tertiary subtropical flora.
Bludenské žilné pásmo, Dřenice, Erika, Hazlov - U Cihelny, Horní Slavkov, Hory - naleziště karlovarských dvojčat, Jáchymov, Kamenné pařezy, Krásno, Manganová žíla Marie Terezie, Mnichovské hadce, Pískovna Horní Blatná, Podhorní vrch, Přebuz, Smolné Pece, Údolí Ohře, Vernéřovské doly, Vlčí hora, Zlatý Kopec.