National geopark


Photo by J. Tvrdý
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Photo by J. Tvrdý
Photo by J. Tvrdý
Archive of the Town Museum of Mariánské Lázně
Photo by J. Tvrdý

Ornamental lizard stone

The lizard stone (serpentinite) of Marianské Lázně is a traditional decorative stone, which was mined and processed until the end of the last world war. The main sources of the raw material were tiny quarries in the area between Prameny, Sítiny and Mnichov. The serpentinite was used to produce polished tiles and table tops as well as small articles of jewellry in the workshops of the surrounding villages.

The serpentinite body is part of the so-called Mariánské Lázně (Marienbad) Metabasic Complex, which is the largest accumulation of metamorphosed basic rocks in the entire Bohemian Massif. Rare plant communities, which are subject to nature conservation, have developed on the serpentinites due to a unique chemical composition. This composition also penetrates into mineral water, which is highly enriched with magnesium (e.g. Magnesia mineral water) as it passes through the serpentinite.